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SHRM Foundation

The Vision:

Empowered HR professionals building inclusive organizations where all employees thrive and organizations achieve success.


The Foundation provides almost 300 different scholarships to help develop and support HR professionals. A list of scholarships and deadlines:

Inclusion Initiative:

Engaging and Integrating Military Veterans – In 2018, the SHRM Foundation is dedicated to making a measurable impact on the hiring and retention of military veterans. 

Closing the Gender Gap

​Making a difference in your local community is part of the SHRM Foundation’s mission, and we encourage chapters and states to volunteer with the SHRM Foundation and support the SHRM Foundation’s inclusion initiative in your community. Below are resources to consider when planning to host your own volunteer opportunity. 

Three ways to Make a Difference

  1. Host a service project to support military veterans in your community.
  2. Educate and inspire local HR professionals on the value of hiring and retaining military veterans.
  3. Raise funds to help advance the mission of the SHRM Foundation.

Through a variety of programs, grants, and scholarships, the SHRM Foundation invests in leading‑edge research, publications, and educational initiatives that have a bottom-line payoff for chapters, members, and the organizations they represent. As a 501(c)(3) organization, contributions to the SHRM Foundation are tax deductible. Support from the Texas SHRM Foundation Committee will help your chapter: 

  • Address critical issues shaping the profession
  • Develop creative fund-raising campaigns 
  • Inform members and other organizations about Foundation resources and activities